Read the sentence, looking for clues
The first part of the sentence, up to the semicolon, suggests that disagreement
over the appropriate use of force has been a constant issue in international
relations that has recurred over time. The keyword "therefore," which begins the
second part of the sentence, indicates that the second part will be the conclusion
drawn from the first.
Predict an answer
Since the second part of the sentence describes an unlikely way to describe these
types of disagreements, a good prediction would be something like "unusual", since
the sentence says these have bee happening for a long time.
Select the choice that most closely matches your
unique fits the bill: if disagreements occur consistently, then it is
presumptuous to suggest that they are
unique. This is the correct answer. (A) spurious means "false" or "illegitimate"; the
first part of the sentence suggests only that such disagreements have happened in
the past, not whether they were legitimate or not. (C) relevant doesn't
work; the first part of the sentence doesn't say anything about the relevance of the
disagreements. If anything, the fact that disputes occur repeatedly might indicate
that they are relevant. (D) perennial is a trap answer; the first part of
the sentence states that disagreement over the appropriate use of force is in fact
consistent, or perennial, issue, but the
second part states that it would be presumptuous to think that that is the
case. (E) irresolvable makes a statement about
disagreements that isn't supported by the sentence.
Check your answer
Disagreement over the appropriate use of force has been one of the consistent
issues in international relations over time; therefore, it may be presumptuous to
suggest that current international disagreements over the use of force are unique.
TAKEAWAY: Make sure you keep an eye out for more subtle detour roadsigns like the
one here; if you don't notice them, you'd likely pick a word that means the exact
opposite of the actual right answer.