Perfume and makeup.
These gifts are aesthetically pleasing and could boost morale, body image, and self-esteem. However, they do not address a physical concern related to Parkinson disease.
Hearing aid with batteries.
Hearing loss is not usually a problem with Parkinson disease itself. The problems that clients diagnosed with Parkinson disease have with communication primarily relate to speaking so that others can hear and understand, as speech is softened and often slurred in Parkinson disease.
Warming tray for food. (Correct Answer)
Warming trays can keep food hot, safe, and appealing during the slow eating process of the client diagnosed with Parkinson disease. Eating is slow because of overall slowed body movement, tremors, difficulty chewing and swallowing, fatigue, and need for rest periods. This choice directly addresses a physiologic need.
Quilt and soft pillow.
A client diagnosed with Parkinson disease should maintain a neutral alignment of the body and avoid flexion of the neck and shoulders. The client should sleep on a firm mattress without a pillow to prevent flexion of the spine.
Decision Tree:
This walk-through provides test-taking strategies to determine the correct answer for the different types of questions you will encounter on the NCLEX-RN exam. These strategies are based on the Kaplan Decision Tree (DT) algorithm, a technique that provides a process to determine the correct answer for NCLEX-style questions.
This is a Priority Question.
Priority questions use words such as most, best, first, immediate, etc.
STEP 1: Can you identify the topic of the question?
- Priority, best gift for client diagnosed with Parkinson disease.
STEP 2: Are the answer choices assessment or implementation?
Assessment vs. Implementation
- Perfume and makeup. Implementation
- Hearing aid with batteries. Implementation
- Warming tray for food. Implementation
- Quilt and soft pillow. Implementation
Because a mix of assessment and implementation answer choices does not exist, answer choices cannot be eliminated at this step. Move to Step 3.
STEP 3: Apply Maslow: Are the answer choices physical or psychosocial?
- Perfume and makeup. Physical
- Hearing aid with batteries. Physical
- Warming tray for food. Physical
- Quilt and soft pillow. Physical
Because a mix of physical and psychosocial answer choices does not exist, answer choices cannot be eliminated at this step. Move to Step 4.
STEP 4: Are the answer choices related to ABCs?
- Perfume and makeup. N/A
- Hearing aid with batteries. N/A
- Warming tray for food. N/A
- Quilt and soft pillow. N/A
Because a mix of ABC answer choices does not exist, answer choices cannot be eliminated at this step. Move to Step 5.
STEP 5: What is the outcome of each of the remaining answer choices?
Evaluate the outcome(s)
- Perfume and makeup. This answer choice is aesthetically pleasing and will boost morale for the client, but it does not directly relate to Parkinson disease. Eliminate.
- Hearing aid with batteries. This answer does not relate to Parkinson disease. Eliminate.
- Warming tray for food. This answer choice would ensure safe and palatable food for the client.
- Quilt and soft pillow. This answer choice is contraindicated for a client diagnosed with Parkinson disease. Eliminate.
Select the best choice:
Is #3 the correct answer? Yes, this is an appropriate gift since nutrition is a priority need for a client diagnosed with Parkinson disease.
Does #3 make sense? Yes, keeping food warm and palatable will assist in addressing the nutritional needs of a client diagnosed with Parkinson disease.